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Governor Portal

Welcome to the Governor section of our school website; we hope that this section provides the information that you were looking for. However, should you require any further information relating to governance, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair of Governors (Mr Gerard Lawrenson) with your query via the school bursar or the  Headteacher. 

Following a period of consultation and a comprehensive due diligence process, the school converted to an academy on 01/11/2024 and joined the Blessed Edward Bamber Muti-Academy Trust (BEBCMAT). The conversion to an academy will require reconstitution with the formation of a Local Governing Body taking direction from the Trust Board who are responsible for adherence to the strategy and objectives recorded in the Articles of Association determined by the Lancaster RC Diocese.

There will be a period of transition which commenced with the first meeting of the LGB on 14/11/2024, at which the Chair and Vice-Chair were elected, who will serve a term of office that ends on the date of the first meeting to be held in the autumn term of the 2025/2026 academic year. During this period of transition, we will endeavour to update the Governor section of the school's website in a timely manner, but where this is not achieved please accept our apologies for any inaccuracy in the information provided.  

The Governance section is structured around two distinct areas; one for Parents/Carers and one for School Governors.


The Parent Area is unrestricted and contains general information relating to governance, the details of the membership of the Governing Body, the roles of its members and a declaration of any business interests that individual governors may have, which is a mandatory requirement for all schools including academies.


Our Instrument of Government will be formalised at the January meeting of the LGB and, following the approval of the Trust Board and the Diocese, the document will be available for publication.


Finally, you will also find links to other sources of information which may be of interest to you as a parent or carer.

Financial Management -  Mandatory statement - Number of staff with an annual salary of £100k or above - None.

Link to UK.GOV - Schools financial benchmarking and insights tool

Page updated 30/12/2024 by Ged Lawrenson (Foundation Governor & LGB Chair)