Mini Vinnies
Our Mini Vinnies
Who are the Mini Vinnies?
The Mini Vinnies are quite literally mini St. Vincent de Paul’s.
Mini Vinnies are 7 to 11 year olds based in schools and parishes across England and Wales, and in several other countries across the world. They come together to form a part of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms. Mini Vinnies meet to pray, discuss and support however they can to help make a difference in their communities.
Mini Vinnies truly turn concern into action as they use the simple formula of ‘see, think, do’ to find people in need and help them. They might help by:
- Writing cards for children in hospital
- Visiting local care homes to sing or play games with the residents
- Knitting scarves for the homeless
- Running food collections for a local foodbank
During these difficult times you may not be able to get to your school, however that doesn't stop you being a Mini Vinnie. Here we will try and help you think of ways where you can show acts of kindness to others while you are at home.
Spread the Love - It may be difficult for us to get out and spread the love but we can still do it using social media. There are many people around the world who are going to be quite lonely over the next few months but if there’s one thing the Mini Vinnies are good at it’s making people feel loved, not lonely. So Mini Vinnies let’s spread the love!
Turn your concern into Action - See, Think and Do worksheet
Our Mini Vinnies visiting the Parish of the Holy Cross SVP Group in the Sherburne Room at the Willows Church. They are hosting a weekly "warm hub" for those needing a warm place to have a chat and hot drink.
The Mini Vinnies are asking for unwanted clothes and school uniform to be able to offer them to our school community in exchange for a donation. These can be left in the school reception area.
All donations will be for Mary’s Meals which serves nutritious school meals to children living in some of the world’s poorest countries. The promise of a good meal attracts these hungry children into the classroom, giving them the energy to learn and hope for a better future.💖
We will be starting to display the clothes outside school at home time every Wednesday. This will be starting on Wednesday 23rd February.
Thank you in advance for all your support 💖💖💖
#careforourcommonhome #LaudatoSi